Confirmation and Payment...
Thank you for registering for the Business and Professional Women of Tennessee's Annual Convention.
We welcome non-members and encourage you to visit and learn more about how our organization can help you!
For you convenience, we offer two payment methods below: PayPal and check.
We welcome non-members and encourage you to visit and learn more about how our organization can help you!
For you convenience, we offer two payment methods below: PayPal and check.
Payment by PayPal
If paying by PayPal, you will be directed to the next page to make your total selection and then forwarded to the PayPal site to complete the transaction. You do not need a PayPal account to pay with PayPal.
Please make your selection below. When selecting the Pay Now button, you will be redirected to the PayPal site to complete your transaction.
Payment by CheckMake payable to BPW/TN Convention
Send payments to: Business and Professional Women of Tennessee, INC 622 Lanier Rd. Alamo, TN 38001 |